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Solar Panels with worker

The IRA + New ERA + electric CO-ops

Learn how the IRA and the New ERA can save your electric co-op(and you) big money

Local Renewable energy is less expensive

Our co-ops can build smaller, utility size solar arrays that are much more cost effective than large centralized generating facilities. Scroll down to learn more.


HOw much does it cost your co-op to buy power?

Right now your electric co-op buys power for

8 - 10 cents per kilowatt hour.

Click here to find the rate for your co-op.

The Cost of Utility Solar power

A 5 to 15 acre solar array will generate power for less than 4 cents per kilowatt hour before incentives.

Click here to see the numbers

Smaller arrays can be built close to where we use the energy avoiding expensive transmission costs.

Solar Panel Farm8

Batteries for when the sun isn't shining

Batteries store power when the sun is shining and  provide power when the sun isn't.

Utility size batteries will do this for a little over 8 cents per kilowatt hour before incentives.

The IRA and the NEW era

The IRA and New ERA provide incentives that reduce the cost of building a renewable energy project by at least 55% and potentially up to 75%.

To be eligible your co-op must submit a letter of intent by August 31st 2023 


The bottom line

When these projects are completed our power will be more reliable, clean and much less expensive, potentially less than 1 cent per kilowatt hour.

Click here for a summary

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